Sculptor, Writer


    Tal Streeter is known for his large-scale sculpture. These works in steel reach heights of seventy feet and weigh thousands of pounds. Almost all are oriented to directing viewers' thoughts into the sky They parallel another, unusual "skyart" dimension of this artist's work. He is recognized as being the first fine artist of the western world to turn his attention to the art and craft of kite making, studying traditional kite making in Japan, traveling the world searching out kite lore, producing and exhibiting his kites in museums and galleries as well as authoring numerous articles and seminal books on the ancient, traditional and contemporary form of both western and eastern kites, notably, The Art of the Japanese Kite and A Kite Journey Through India. His most recent book is a personal memoir, The Philosopher's Kite. His sculptures (and kites) are in numerous museum and collections including The Museum of Modern Art NYC, Storm King Arts Center,. Dream of Flight Museum and Archives is located in Santa Fe, New Mexico.


We, Tal’s family

Are available to help with any restoration (painting, repair,re-siting of his artwork as well as enquiries about his written work.