Tower of Talking Lights - New Jersey State Library for the Blind, Trenton NJ

Rolled Aluminum with deep red color coating,

hollow core with Light fixture, Braille

Fabricator : the artist with collaborator Uko Morita


Commission : New Jersey State Arts Program

At the base of a 25 foot Red Tower, a story of the earth and sky, written by Streeter, is translated into Braille. More than 100,000 1/16th inch diameter holes, drilled ( by Uko Morita) through 1/4 inch thick aluminum panels into which have fixed small, transparent, round headed plastic rivets (lit by night by lights inside the Tower ). The text, reading from the bottom, begins with vivid descriptions of things of the earth, progresses into the sky and in the final section, describes thongs for the blind and the sighted persons alike, seen only in the minds eye, their imaginations. The Tower Braille is a condensation of a larger Braille book written by Streeter for the Library collection.

The Tower of Talking Lights is at the present, in accessible to the public. and in poor repair. It needs help !


Dragon Stair


Five Line’s to the Sky